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Health & Nutrition

Puppy Care Package

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Each New Puppy WIll Come Home With The Following Items:

- Small starter bag of food & $5 off coupon

- Shot records / Vet check Certificate of Health

- Blanket with mother's scent

- Ball & Rope Toy

- Micro Chip Enrolment Guide

- Two Year Health Guarantee

- NuVet Supplement Starter Pack

Puppy Food





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Click the purple button to shop Woodland Frenchies recommended quality nutrition supplements or read below about the benefits of using NuVet for your puppy. 

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American Kennel Club

The French Bulldog resembles a Bulldog in miniature, except for the large, erect “bat ears” that are the breed’s trademark feature. The head is large and square, with heavy wrinkles rolled above the extremely short nose. The body beneath the smooth, brilliant coat is compact and muscular.

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Register Your Pet's Microchip

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PLEASE DO NOT OVER FEED YOUR DOG! Follow manufacture directions. Over feeding dogs is the greatest cause of cancer and joint problems in dogs. Keep them physically fit with top quality food in the correct quantity and plenty of exercise. Other than an occasional treat of scrambled eggs, some cheeses including cottage cheese we highly discourage human food given to dogs. Dog feed with corn, soy, or wheat products is also discouraged and not recommended. Cooked beef bones from your local butcher can be a healthy treat also. No chicken or turkey bones recommended!

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